This is a follow up post on an article I wrote about Lens a couple of months back. In case you missed it you can access it here-
Since the day I got to know about Lens Protocol and what are their plans to create a Decentralised Social Media platform, I have been really interested in their development plans.
I got to know about the different apps they have built like Lenster, Lenstube, Lensta etc and how they may shape up to be the Facebook, Youtube and Instagram of the future while being decentralised and protecting content creators from whimsical rules of any centralised authority.
One major hurdle I encountered in my journey to explore more about the Lens Ecosystem was the pre-requisite of holding a Lens ID. As I had missed to be a part of the OG group that minted the IDs for free the only option available was to buy it from a secondary market like Opens where it was selling for over $100 at that time in June.
I was in a bit of liquidity crunch at that time so I kept waiting for the small giveaways they will have for people registered on the waitlist for the IDs. As is usually the case I did not have any luck with these giveaways so I finally decided to take things into my own hands. I did what any sane person…